How to view the change history

Table of Contents

Field Level

To view a change at field level, click on the relevant field name and click Change History. 

You will see a list of all the changes made to that field (the most recent one first). Click View on any one to see more details.

The most recent change made to the field will be presented on the right of the screen and the previous change on the left. Any deleted text will be highlighted in red and any new text will be in green. Click Actions > Revert to change the contents of the field from it's current position to the previous. 

This action will also form part of the field’s change history.

Project Level

To view a change at project level, click Actions > Change History. You will see a window of change ‘bubbles’, each of which can be clicked on to reveal a list of changes made during that time period.


Click Actions (within the project level change history window) > Filter. The filter will allow you to focus on a particular period and, if required, on a specific user.

Watch this video to find out more: