How to request project resource

Resource requests are dealt with at the individual project level. Any user assigned an edit project role can request resources for the project(s) that they are involved in.

From within a project, click on Project Level Actions > Resource Requests. All previous resource requests will be visible and new requests can be raised via Actions > Add.

After Actions > Add has been selected, a new form will be displayed. It is here that details can be entered regarding when the resource is needed and the preferred skill set. 

Once the form has been completed, click Actions > Submit

Upon Actions > Submit, the resource request will move to a ‘submitted’ status and will become locked to the requester. The Resource Administrator(s) will receive a notification email containing a link to the request.


  • The selected skill set listed in the form are pulled from the corresponding User Tag look-up table. As new user tags are created in Verto, these will automatically appear in future forms.