Single or 'One Off' Data Import

Table of Contents

Data imported into Verto must be provided in either an Excel or CSV file format – it is not possible to import data from a Word document. This data should be presented in a single workbook containing only the data to be imported. 

Standard Process

A standard one-off import process works as follows:

  1. Create an import file containing all the required data. 
  2. Label each column in the file with the corresponding field in Verto i.e. where the data is to be imported to. The labels should be the original database names.
  3. Review all look-up answers and names within the file to ensure that they exist in Verto. 
  4. Send a copy of the data import file to Verto Support. This will then be assessed and a quote provided.
  5. Work will commence to create the import script upon agreement of the quote.
  6. An Exceptions Report will be provided containing any data that cannot be imported, along with accompanying reasons. 
  7. When the import routine is ready, the data will be imported directly into the Live site. Note: the data can also be imported into the Test site first, however this will incur an additional cost.

Guidance Notes

  • Each line on the spreadsheet should represent a new record to be imported i.e. a project, programme, risk, cost etc.
  • If a record has multiple sub-records, i.e. a project has several benefits or costs which must also be imported, then these sub-records should be listed on a separate worksheet within the spreadsheet. A unique identifier must be recorded in both worksheets to link the sub-records back to the project e.g. Project Code.
  • All columns in the spreadsheet must be clearly labelled with the corresponding original database field name- not the front end label. This is to ensure the data is imported into the correct fields.
  • All look-ups in the spreadsheet must match the look-up answers in Verto (including case sensitivity and spacing between words), i.e. if a look-up answer is ‘united kingdom’ in Verto but ‘United Kingdom’ in the file, this will not import. All answers which do not match exactly to a corresponding look-up value in the system should be removed from the import file. 
  • All users in the spreadsheet must already exist in the database. Users without an account in Verto will not be imported.
  • All names in the spreadsheet must be identical to the user name in Verto i.e. John Smith will not map to Jonathan Smith. The format should also be FirstName Surname. Email addresses can be used instead of FirstName Surname to improve success of matching - especially if there could be 2 users with the same name.
  • There should only ever be one piece of data in each cell i.e. if there are 3 individuals to be imported against a project, then these 3 individuals must each be listed in a separate column/cell or can be recorded in a separate worksheet which is linked back to the project (as covered above). 
  • All dates should be written in the following format ‘31/01/2022’ to match how they are recorded in Verto.
  • Data consistency should be reviewed throughout the file i.e. words such as N/A, TBC, Refer to John.. etc should be removed unless being mapped to a text field. 


  • The original database field names can be located either through using the site configuration export file or accessing the properties area on each field. Click here for instructions on how to generate the site configuration file. 
  • Click here to see an example data import file.