Q1 2025 Release Notes

The following is a summary of the key enhancements delivered in the first releases in 2025:

Gantt Enhancements

As part of the first big release of 2025, the Verto Gantt was updated to include a lot of great new features and functionality. This included the introduction of baselining, summary tasks, recurring tasks and milestones, and the ability to set project specific and site-wide working days. For a full breakdown of all the exciting features, take a look at the Gantt Chart articles. 


  • New Text Editor: The text editor used in free text fields has been updated to bring it in line with other areas of the system. In addition to maintaining existing functionality, the new text editor introduces better table properties and the ability to change the text colour of hyperlinks. 
  • Governance Report Data in Dashboards: It is now possible to have governance report metric tile widgets on your dashboards. For example, have a metric tile counting how many governance reports are currently awaiting approval. These metric tiles must be built specifically for your site. For more information on how you can request these, please contact Verto Support.
  • New hierarchical field in Task & Milestones:  There is a new multi-select hierarchical field type available in the Task & Milestones table.  This field behaves similarly to our strategic objectives field and is perfect for those clients who wish to track the impact of planned activities across multiple services/departments/areas.  
  • URL Links in the Files Area: Links added in the ‘Files’ area against a project are now clickable, meaning users no longer need to click on the download option.