How to create a tag [For System Administrators]

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Tag headers

A tag header is the title under which one or more tags will sit, for example Programmes, Corporate Priority or Objectives.

To create a new tag header, go to the Administration Cog > Lookup Tables > Tag Header > Actions > Add.

Complete the description field and click OK.


Once a tag header has been created, the tags which will sit underneath it can then be added. There is no limit to how many tags can be attached a tag header. 

To add a tag, go to the Administration Cog > Lookup Tables > Tags > Actions > Add.

When adding a new tag, complete the description field, select which tag header it should sit beneath (from the dropdown) and click OK.



  • You cannot delete a tag. 
  • Avoid overwriting existing tags in order to maintain data integrity. 
  • If you no longer wish to use a tag or a tag header, untick the Active box for each.