When a new project is created the default working days are set to Monday - Friday but there could be occasions where this isn't the case. To alter these you must be within the Scheduling mode, then select Actions and Working Days.

Working Days
To add or remove days click within the Days field. A drop down will appear which will allow to select or deselect the relevant days of the week. Once you have made your selections click OK.

Excluded Dates
To exclude dates from specific projects click Add, then provide the exclusion with a Title, select the Date, and click OK.

End users will not be able to select this date when creating/amending tasks and milestones. To remove this date simply follow the above steps to access Working Days and select Delete.

Top Tip
- Weekends and British Bank Holidays are already excluded.
- System Administrators can also add site wide non-working days. See How to set site wide non-working days for more information.