From within a project, click on the Resourcing icon in the left sidebar and then click on the teal flyout.
Select ‘Allocated Resources’ from the menu.
All project resources will be listed on the left-hand side of the screen. Use the ‘Start Date’ and ‘End Date’ fields to define the period you wish to view. Next, select the resource name(s) you wish to include.
The heatmap will automatically generate on screen and will display the following information:
- The hours that have been allocated to each resource, per period (day, week or month depending on site setting).
- The overall percentage of allocation per resource, per period (day, week or month depending on site setting). Note: This percentage is the overall allocation percentage and not the percentage of time just against the project.
From here, it is also possible to see a breakdown of any other projects the resource is working on, or any other unavailability they have during that period i.e. bank holidays, annual leave etc. Unavailability will be fed from the user's Verto calendar.
Click on the triangle to expand the resource details.
If the resource isn't a project member there is an option to add them via this screen. Click on "Click here to add user to "Team Members" and select the project role required.
Top Tip
- An allocated resource must be added as a project member in order to see the project details.
- All project members can view the allocated resources.