How to schedule a site copy

What is a site copy?

A site copy is the process used to transfer the configuration of a test site to a live site in a controlled manner. Site copies are scheduled by the site administrators as often as needed, and typically take place after changes to the test site have been made and tested. 

Destination site

In the Test site go to the Administration Cog > Schedule a Site Copy.

Current Database: This is where the configuration will be copied FROM e.g. if you are logged into the Test Site the current database will be the Test Site. 

Target Database(s): These are the target databases. These databases are where the configuration will be copied TO. If you just have a Test and Live site, then there will only be one database to choose from. Tick the relevant target database.

Select options to copy

These options will allow the administrator to choose what to copy to the live site: 

  • Stages & Governance Reports will copy over the main aspects of the site configuration e.g. the fields, navigation sections, workflows, help text and project role permissions. 
  • Stat Tiles will copy over any updated tiles (legacy function). 
  • Application Messages will copy the wording in all email messages. 
  • Stage Default Folders will copy across a new default project folder structure for all projects. See How to create a default file structure for more information.
  • Stage Defaults will copy across any new default tasks & milestones for all projects. See How to create a default set of tasks & milestones for more information. 
  • Notifications will copy across active notifications and message wording. 
  • Feed Controls will copy across any updates made to the feed controls. See How to amend which controls are displayed in Feeds for more information. 
  • Matrices will copy across any updates made to the system matrices i.e. Risks, Stakeholders. Please note: changes to the colour and score can only be made by Verto Support. 

Pick a date

Copy Date: This will be the date when the control copy will happen. Site copies are run overnight, starting at 11:30pm.  

Click on the Schedule button to book in the site copy.  If you wish to cancel the scheduled control copy this can be done by clicking on Delete Schedule.

Site administrators will receive a system generated email to confirm that the copy has been completed successfully.


  • A site copy will not include changes to the lookup table answers or users. Management of these must be done directly on the live site.