What are the licence types?

Table of Contents


Any user assigned a paid Workspace licence type will be able to do the following:

  • Create unlimited kanban boards via the Boards area.
  • Be added as a member of a project with read only access.
  • Access their feed to view and edit all cards or items where they are a member or an owner.
  • Be added to a project as an Approver and complete the necessary actions within the system (provide a Yes or No). Note: The user must be a project member in order to be listed as an Approver.


Any user assigned a Pro licence type will be able to do the following:

  • Create unlimited kanban boards via the Boards area.
  • Create unlimited projects of all sizes, each with unlimited boards and cards (using a client specific site configuration).
  • View and/or edit projects based on a client defined User Account and Project Role permission set (determined by the System Administrator).
  • Access all system features and functionality.