How to assign report access permissions

A user must be given permission to access the reports located within the main Reports Area.  

Report access can be granted in one of two ways via the User Profile:

  1. Using the ‘Access All Reports’ checkbox in the form.
  2. Using the ‘Report Access’ option via the Actions Menu. 


Via Access All Reports

The ‘Access All Reports’ checkbox is located within the user profile and is used to grant full access to all reports in Verto. This type of report access is usually reserved for ‘super users’ such as Stage Administrators or Executives. 

Standard users can also be given access to all reports. However, due to the potential for the user to run a report and see data outside of their own involvements, this access should only be given after careful consideration. See ‘How to set-up and manager user accounts’ for details on how to select this option.

Via Report Access

The ‘Report Access’ option can be found under the ‘Actions Menu’ whilst viewing the user profile and allows the Verto Administrator to decide exactly which report(s) the user should have access to.


The user must first be given access to the folder(s) within which the report(s) exist. This can be done by clicking on the ‘Allow’ button next to each folder. Note: The folders and reports visible on screen will be unique to each site.


A message will appear on screen asking for confirmation of the selection:

Upon clicking ‘Yes’, the folder will update to display ‘Deny’ on the right-hand side. The user will now have access to the folder. 


Click into the folder to see the list of reports available. 

User ID Filter in Reports

Any reports built with a User ID filter will be listed without an ‘Allow’ button. These reports are automatically accessible to the user and will only ever return data based on their involvements.  

Any reports built without a User ID filter will display an 'Allow' button which can be used to grant the user access to that report. However, because the report doesn't have a User ID filter, should the user run the report, they will have access to all data in the site i.e. all risk data and not just their own risks. 

Top Tips

  • The Verto standard reports all contain a User ID filter. This ensures the user will only ever have access to their own data.
  • When requesting a new custom report you can ask that a User ID filter be included.
  • Users can still be given access to a report without a User ID filter but then they will be able to see all data, rather than just their own.