Add a user (standard permissions)
To add a new user, click the Administration Cog > Manage Users > Add. Enter the following mandatory information:
1. First Name
2. Surname.
3. A valid and unique email address.
4. Select licence type - Workspace/Pro.
5. Click Add.
The new user account is automatically created and will be displayed on the screen. The user access will default to Active. Inactive users cannot log in but can still be added to projects and receive outputs.
Top Tips
- Always ensure that the email notifications and user select boxes are ticked.
- A standard user will only be able to see the projects that they are involved in.
- A Workspace user can be added to projects in a read only capacity.
Review the form and when happy, click Actions > Send Welcome Message. Then Close. Note: if SSO is active on your site, new users do not require a welcome message and can be directed to login using the ‘Login with Microsoft’ button. See How to login to Verto for more information.
Add a user (super permissions)
Follow the steps outlined above to create a new user.
There are 3 super permission options available:
- System Administrator: can manage and maintain site functionality and user access. There is no access to project data.
- Stage Administrator: can view and edit all projects within the selected stages and bypass workflows. Note: this includes module specific Administrators such as Timesheets, Resourcing and Performance.
Stage Executive: can view all projects within the selected stages, apart from those marked as confidential.
To assign these permissions, tick the relevant boxes on the user form and then click Actions > Send Welcome Message. Then Close. Note: if SSO is active on your site, new users do not require a welcome message and can be directed to login using the ‘Login with Microsoft’ button. See How to login to Verto for more information.
User account form explained
The user account form has a number of options available, the core elements are as follows:
- Licence Type - select from Workspace or Pro (based on the licence types purchased).
- Active – this is a mandatory field and will default to ticked when adding a new user. Untick to remove access.
- Type – select Internal or External.
- Email Address – this is the email address that the system generated emails will be sent to and must be unique. This is a mandatory field when adding a new user.
- Email Notifications – tick this box to ensure active users receive all system generated notifications. Un-tick this box for inactive users.
- Access to All Reports – if ticked the user will see all reports and data.
- User Select – tick this box to ensure the user’s name appears when searched for across the system.
- System Administrator – only tick this box if the user will be a System Administrator (they will be able to configure the site and complete any additional actions ticked such as add new users, new lookups)
- Stage Administrator – tick any stages that the user should be an Administrator for (they will be able to view and edit all projects in the selected stage and bypass workflows).
- Stage Executive - tick any stages that the user should be an Executive for (they will be able to view all projects in the selected stages, apart from those marked as confidential).
Actions menu
There are a number of actions that can be selected from the actions menu. The core elements are as follows:
- Change Email Address - can be use if the user email address has changed.
- Report Access – can be used to allow or deny a user access to specific reports (if not using Access to all Reports option).
- Reset Password – If a user forgets their password, this can be reset by clicking Reset Password. A new temporary password will be sent to the user which will need to be changed when they log back into Verto. Note: only required for non-SSO users.
- Send Welcome Message – This will be sent to a new user and inform them of their temporary password. Note: only required for non-SSO users.
- Unlock User – If the user makes five unsuccessful log-on attempts their profile will be locked. Clicking Unlock User will allow them access to Verto using their existing password.
- Involvements - can be used to view all the project/programme involvements the user has.
Review existing users
To find an existing user select the Administration Cog > Manage Users and use the filter funnels to search. From here you can either click Edit to access their user profile or click on the downward arrow to display a pop-up of all the projects that they have an involvement with.
It is also possible to add individuals as inactive users who will not be using the system but may want to receive scheduled reports. These users will show as “Active = False” on the manage users list.
To find out how many licences you are using you can select Licences.
- It is not possible to delete users from the system as these records must remain for audit purposes. Therefore, when a user no longer requires access to Verto you should untick the active checkbox, email notifications checkbox and the user select checkbox.