How to link an indicator to a performance group

Whilst in a performance group, click on the Indicators icon on the left-hand side of the screen. 

If you have more than one indicator type i.e. Indicator, Metric, Output etc., use the teal toggle button to pop-out the menu and select the search type. Click on the ‘Add’ button.

 Use the search bar to locate the indicator(s). Click ‘Select’ to add each indicator to the performance group.  Repeat as needed.

The linked indicator(s) will be displayed on screen.

Projects and Non-Project activities can also be linked to a performance group via this view. Click on the Activities icon and then use the teal toggle button to pop-out the menu. Select ‘Project’ or ‘Non-Project’.


Upon completion of the form, click on the performance group title to re-load the screen. Your new non-project activity will now be displayed in the list.