How to view a resource heatmap [Resource Manager, Tag Manager or Resource Administrator]

The Heat Map view offers the Resource Manager, Tag Manager or Resource Administrator a view of resource allocation over a period of time. 

  • Resource Administrator – The resource administrator can apply filters based on user names, user tags or a combination to generate a heatmap.  Note: To filter the heatmap by ‘teams’, a user tag will need to be created for each team and then attached to each relevant user. 
  • Resource Manager - The resource manager will see a heatmap of all staff linked to them on the organisation chart. 
  • Tag Manager – The tag manager will see a heatmap of all staff with the tag(s) that they manage.

Click on the Resourcing tab in the navigation menu at the top of the screen and click on the teal flyout arrow to select ‘Heat Map’.


Resource Administrator Heatmap

To generate a heatmap, make selections from the following:

  • Start Date - select starting month
  • End Date - finishing month
  • Users - select one or more specific users
  • User Tags - select one or more tags


Resource Manager or Tag Manager Heatmap

To generate a heatmap, make selections from the following:

  • Start Date - select starting month
  • End Date - finishing month
  • Users - select one or more specific users (return options will be based on either the organisation chart or user tags)


The heatmap will display the following information:

  • The total hours that have been allocated to each resource, per period (day, week or month depending on site setting).
  • The overall percentage of allocation per resource, per period (day, week or month depending on site setting). Green: 0-89% allocated, Amber: 90 - 99% allocated, Red: 100% allocated for that period. 

It is also possible to view a breakdown of all projects a resource is working on, or any other unavailability they have during that period i.e. bank holidays, annual leave etc. This will be fed from the user's Verto calendar. 

Click on the triangle to expand the resource details.